研究室名 | 西尾研究室 |
所在地 | 〒461-8534 名古屋市東区矢田南 4-102-9 名城大学ナゴヤドーム前キャンパス 503 |
担当教授名 | 西尾 由里 |
研究領域 | 音声学、外国語教育、留学研究 |
担当クラス | 音声学、ゼミナールⅠ~Ⅳ、基礎演習Ⅰ・Ⅱ、Writing Ⅰ・Ⅱ、Reading Ⅲ~Ⅴ |
ICT Self-Learning System | 英語発音セルフラーニングシステムの開発。 |
科研B | 小学校から大学までを包括的におらえた英語発音ガイドラインの作成。 |
萌芽研究 | 超音波を用いて口腔内の口の動きを明らかにし、それを利用した発音教材の開発を目指す。 |
国際共修リサーチセンター (名城大学総合研究所 学術研究奨励助成) |
留学を通した英語力向上と異文化感受性の発達が、学びやキャリア形成に影響するかという包括的検証。 |
地域連携プロジェクト | 紀伊國屋書店プライムツリー赤池店、名古屋市東図書館において、幼児・小学生を対象に英語絵本の読み聞かせ会の開催。 |
Yuri Nishio received her Ph.D. from Nagoya University, Japan, in 2007.
She was an Associate Professor at Ibaraki University and a Professor at Gifu Pharmaceutical University,
contributing to the development of English programs for first and second-year undergraduate and graduate students.
Since 2016, she has worked as a professor at Meijo University’s Faculty of Foreign Studies.
She teaches English phonetics and seminars related to second language acquisitions and administers her faculty’s English program as the head of the committee.
She is the head of the Intercultural Cooperative Research Center for analyzing the effectiveness of study abroad programs.
She also won several grants from MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan) and from Meijo University as well.
She is interested in the mechanisms of perception and production of English sounds by Japanese speakers, developing ICT materials to help Japanese learners improve their pronunciation, and in creating comprehensive teaching guidelines for English phonetics.
She has published a number of books and articles in her field.
She was an Associate Professor at Ibaraki University and a Professor at Gifu Pharmaceutical University,
contributing to the development of English programs for first and second-year undergraduate and graduate students.
Since 2016, she has worked as a professor at Meijo University’s Faculty of Foreign Studies.
She teaches English phonetics and seminars related to second language acquisitions and administers her faculty’s English program as the head of the committee.
She is the head of the Intercultural Cooperative Research Center for analyzing the effectiveness of study abroad programs.
She also won several grants from MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan) and from Meijo University as well.
She is interested in the mechanisms of perception and production of English sounds by Japanese speakers, developing ICT materials to help Japanese learners improve their pronunciation, and in creating comprehensive teaching guidelines for English phonetics.
She has published a number of books and articles in her field.
・英語の会話や歌を聞いて、聞こえない音や発音できない音があるのはなぜか? etc.
第1期生 (2016年入学、2020年3月卒業) |
卒業研究 |
伊藤 楓馬 | Working Memory of Elderly: Age and Individual Differences |
井上 朝陽 | Learning Strategies and Self-Study in Pairs |
上野 夏美 | Demotivation of English for University students |
越村 雅俊 | Differences Between Intrinsic and External Motivation on TOEIC Scores |
酒井 優佳 | The Effect of Music on the Ability to Distinguish English Words |
佐藤 萌衣 | Effectiveness of Active-Learning on Second Language Acquisition for Japanese University Learners |
柴田 広夢 | Comparison of American and British English on Listening |
竹内 里菜子 | Motivation in Second Language Acquisition of Japanese English learners |
竹中 沙帆 | The Extroverted / Introverted Personalities in Second Language Learning |
服部 梨香子 | Learning Strategies as a Key to Student Successful |
平田 紗英 | The Effect of Degrees of Difficulty of Extensive Reading for Vocabulary Input |
古村 美緒 | Vocabulary Acquisition from Extensive Reading for Adults |
第2期生 (2017年入学 現4年生) |
大西 美佑 | |
大原 健太郎 | |
小栗 亜紗妃 | |
島田 祥之介 | |
武田 茉莉衣 | |
西子 春奈 | |
西嶋 優 | |
野々村 柚香 | |
林 莉緒菜 | |
増田 尚美 | |
松久 彩 | |
松本 明香里 | |
横井 聡美 |
第3期生 (2018年入学 現3年生) |
犬飼 菜摘 | |
加藤 萌 | |
木内 羽蘭 | |
小林 拓馬 | |
菅本 喬也 | |
杉坂 和奏 | |
杉本 和也 | |
杉本 柚乃 | |
鈴川 晴香 | |
羽田 美帆 | |
樋口 香南 | |
村上 雄音 |
基礎演習Ⅰ・Ⅱ (2020年入学 現1年生) |
石原 優里 | |
榎土 紗瑛 | |
岸 朋哉 | |
木下 瑠菜 | |
清水 萌香 | |
竹内 士恩 | |
德重 結希菜 | |
野田 萌栞 | |
堀 佑有佳 | |
柳生 恭佑 | |
山野 沙也佳 |